1000 Words

Thanks to all who attended our Summit Schools Board meeting last week. We had some great discussions about a variety of things! Full board meeting notes for the September meeting will be posted to Renweb after approval at the October meeting.

Screen Shot 2014-09-22 at 2.55.56 PMOne of the topics that led to thoughtful discussion involved the Summit logo. When you think of our school, what visual logo-ish image comes to mind? For some, it’s this lovely green, gray and blue logo, which has graced the Regent Street side of the school for years.Ā  Many Summit parents no doubt, have countless photos of kids standing near this sign on the first day of school.

Perhaps for others, the blue and orange logo that has graced much of our communications in the Screen Shot 2014-09-22 at 2.55.49 PMpast two years comes to mind.Ā  This logo is on our external website, was incorporated into many of our Summer Camps promotional materials and communications last summer, and is part of our current letter head.

If you frequent the Summit Facebook page, you might notice a combination of the two logos. HereĀ  the blue background is pulled in from our latest version, but the triangle and a bit of green remain from the building sign.

In our board meeting the Marketing Committee presented a sneak peak at a new logo. But first, they helped us all understand WHY THIS MATTERS? You may be thinking…is it important to work on this logo? Does it really matter if we use blue or green or we dot the i with a triangle or a dot? Is anyone really paying that much attention?

Turns out, it does matter. Dan Schuster is a Summit parent who is working with the Marketing Committee to create a visual identity for Summit. You may recognize Dan’s graphic design work at NewBo City Market, or NewBo Books, or Brucemore to name a few. He joined the board meeting to help us understand the importance of our visual identity. According to Dan a good logo should answer these questions:

  • is it appropriate?
  • is it distinctive/memorable?
  • is it scalable?
  • is it relevant?
  • can it be well coordinated?

Do any of the logos we currently use feel relevant or memorable? There are LOTS of Summits around (there is a Summit Pointe nursing home in Cedar Rapids, Summit beer, Summit racing, Summit farms, Summit ministries and schools with the name of Summit are in NC, OH, MN, CO, AZ, UT, AR, NY, MI and more!) We need our logo to help set us apart, to be an immediate identifier and to reflect a memorable impression.Ā  In essence, we need this one picture to speak a thousand words about us!

Stay tuned for the big reveal!

Lisa Wiebenga Stroschine